Wednesday, October 18, 2006

2006 A Love Story

She was tall, lanky and beautiful. She had a love life. She had a relation going with a guy, right from college. It was pretty strong until distance separated them. The guy fell out of love, but she did not. She still loved the guy in a way that only women can. The guy made it a habit of constantly abusing her psychologically. And one day said, he's calling it off. She walked in pain for a month. It was not quite evident on her face, but her eyes showed the sorrow deep within.

He was her closest friend at the work place. He had no love life. He just cared for her as a friend. They had lunch together, had coffee together and sat very much near each other. When her relationship with the guy broke up, he was there to console her, pacify her and bring her back to normal. And it was only a natural progression that he fell deep in love with her. Days passed as he watched his passion grow, but he did not have the courage to tell her, lest it break her heart.

Finally, one day over lunch, he told her. As with all women, she took it lightly. She brushed it aside as a joke, as a past-time. But then she realized that he was serious. She is now in a state of confusion. She shares all secrets with her mother. She shared this too, but it did not quite elicit a positive response. She is undecided and has asked him to give her more time to decide.

And then, she asked me. Where do i come in? I am a very close friend of both these people. He has not told me till date that he proposed, but she did. Thats when she asked me what my opinion was. I just smiled. For, I knew, her mind had already given her the answer. As they say, "The Oracle has sopken". If she was not genuinely interested, would she ask him more time for an answer? Wouldnt she she have said no at the outset? Would she fear her mothers reaction? Would she say "I dont know" when i asked her how she felt? I did not give her all the reasons. I just smiled and let her know that "your mind has decided. no matter what i say, it wont influence your decision", and left it at that.

Have i been reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes; have i understood the mind of a lady well enough? Or is it a totally absurd claim? Will no man ever be able to understand a woman? You decide.

Now, how is this going to affect me? Hmmm, dont get the wrong ideas, I wasnt in love with her, but she was a very dear friend. One with whom I often shared a cup of coffee and my many thoughts. Whatever be her reply, I am going to loose a dear friend. If she says yes, I will loose her and the occassional cup of coffee. If she says no, he will get the idea that I persuaded her, and i loose him. Either way, the situation seems to unfold into a double edged sword. And i am worried. This week, one of my dearest friends is gonna go away for a long time. I cannot afford to loose one more.

What shall i do...


Anonymous said...

I disagree..
There are times when a gal cant say no..Its not bcoz (in this case) she s in love with him.. It maybe bcoz she likes him and doesnt wanna hurt him..She might even feel obliged to him for sharin and 'lessening' her pain, when she was in it.If thats the case then she need to gather the strength and say "no" to him ... Ask her to identify it...Or else she ll regret it later.
-Me Again

gasmutai said...

But, that means she did not even give a chance to that relation...The reason why she probably needs time in this case is because her wounds from the previous relation are not healed as yet...and she mite also be worried about what "people would say"....My gut feel is, she mightstill love him, but would say no coz of her mothers reaction..Lets c how this unfolds..

Anonymous said...

Ok.. :)
And btw u ve mentioned abt 'and she mite also be worried about what "people would say"....'
What do u think abt it??

gasmutai said...

Yes...Shes someone who really cares about what people say...Thts why i said, she mite say NO coz of many other reasons rather than her not feeling anything for him.

Anonymous said...

No...I was asking about what u 'd think... Do u think she shud give a damm about what "people" will say?
If it was u in such a situation , yeah true the situation will be different if its a guy,but still how wud u react?
If she was a gal whom u didnt know so well...then wudnt u be one among the "people"?

gasmutai said...

Its an interesting question...
infact questions..
1. If i ver in such a siutation, i would give a damn, but
2. If i did not know this girl very well, i MIGHT have been in the "people" category

gasmutai said...

Shes finally said no...and as i already said, because her mother said so...and i asked her the question .."What does you heart say?" ...and she gave the expected reply..."It doesnt matter what my heart says, as far as i am concerned, it is over"....Hmmmm